Pre Hurricane Sandy: A Thought or two...

This post is not one to show any photographic images, but rather give a quick story and provide a mental image or two. The U.S., as well as the rest of the world is looking towards the eastern seaboard of the states as Hurricane Sandy is pounding the coast and making her way up the coastline. New England is going to be a stop on her dangerous and damaging course. I have gathered a few things from my studio. Mainly my laptop, my harddrives, my cameras, and my power pack, (which will come in handy when the power goes out, which is inevitably going to happen.) I am preparing for this "storm" by preventing the loss of my work and my life. My photography is my life, livelihood, and my everything. As I told Sue, "my harddrives and computer will not leave my sight or be to far from me." Time and time again we see and hear stories of people losing everything. Their houses, their cars, photos, family albums, all their material possessions, and the loss of loved ones. There are things I can stand to lose, such as my car, my clothing, my studio lights, my bike, a pair of shoes, my cell phone and or wallet. All of those things are replaceable, including my camera. But the loss of my photographs, data, and computer would spell disaster with a capital S, followed by the letters  a n d y...

Our greatest threat is not the destruction of our material worlds or the forces of mother nature, it is our inability to plan and prepare for a disaster. I am not a survivalist, but I do have the desire to continue to live and see the world rebound from its current stressors, and any subsequent damage that is and will be caused by Hurricane Sandy. I am not a photo-journalist, but I will have my camera with me at all times. I am not going to sit still and just watch as the wind creates a kaleidoscope of leaves and rain, I will document the storm and any aftermath that shall be left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. It is almost one year to the date in which we had a major freak snow storm on Halloween. This year I hope people will be a little bit more prepared. I think they will be, as the trip to a few grocery stores on Sunday evening showed us empty shelves where bread, batteries, and water once stood. I will make photographs of as much as I can, because we stand to gain from the power of the images. As the next few days come to pass, I will be posting images and sharing Hurricane Sandy from my perspective and point of view.

Stay tuned and stay safe!


Boston: A Story and non-physical photograph.


Boston Mass: A Few Photographs