Sharing Photos jeffrey byrnes Sharing Photos jeffrey byrnes

Lifestyle Photography: Boston


I am heading to Cape Cod for the long weekend. Before I do, I want to share a few new photographs I made. Have a great long weekend! Stay safe.


This first photograph was shot for the silhouette, but in post, I played around with some new light leak actions I am working on. Fun stuff.





I love photographing people. Especially doing head shots. I've been playing with light and a specific backdrop I have in studio. #notjustablackbackground


david h head shot




Recently I did head shots for a child actor who needed to update his comp cards.

child actor head shot

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Sharing Photos jeffrey byrnes Sharing Photos jeffrey byrnes

Fitness and Lifestyle Photography



Fitness and Lifestyle photography are two avenues that I do not have much experience in. In fact, I will be the first to say that while I develop my portfolio and have been adding fitness and lifestyle work, I am seeing challenges that I have yet to encounter. Fitness photography is beyond a niche, it is a lifestyle in of itself. They always say, (I am not sure who "they are", but they do say) know your subject matter. Having spent years in a gym still isn't enough for me to know the subject of fitness. Working with a fit model is still not enough to get the images that I am looking to produce. Studying, reviewing, and shooting has been great, but I am seeing that I am kind of at a wall. For me, this is encouraging. It means that I am aware of my restrictions and am willing to surpass them to get the work that I want. From what I have seen, most fitness and lifestyle photographers specialize in those areas. They know their subject matter, posing, and lighting through and throughout.

Now, you must be wondering, what is the point of explaining all this? Well, it is very simple. I am not perfect. As a professional it is important that I am transparent. Future clients want to see that I am willing to take on new projects and new ideas. Being able to admit that something is not your strongest means you recognize you see the weakest points and will take them and make them your strong points. That is exactly what I am doing. When I spend hours searching photographs, shoots, ideas, inspiration, I am always impressed with fitness and lifestyle photography. Especially lifestyle. When you can produce a shoot that elicits a connection, a visible emotion with a brand, you're directing people in a way that requires a lot of talent and energy. I have a profound respect for the photographers that are capable of this.

Below are a few photographs from two recents shoots. One in studio and one in Boston.








brittany boston 3


brittany boston 4

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